In this fantastic 10 minute audio clip, Roger sheds light on what non-dual teachings are, what they are pointing at and how magic can happen if what is said penetrates to the heart.
In this lovely little 6 minute video, Gautam tells the story of a follower who said she lived in total peace for 12 years and then in one moment of anger, it all got washed down the drain.  Gautam explains that even the greatest sages had moments of anger and identification and that it is perfectly OK.  Let’s listen…
In this one hour guided meditation on the occasion of Rupert’s 60th Birthday, we contemplate truth, love and beauty, three pathways to ourself. We peer beyond the veil of the multiplicity and diversity of experience to the one indivisible experience, the knowing of ourself.
In this lovely little 7 minute video clip, Gangaji invites you to stop imagining what it is you need to get fixed, or what obstacle you need to get rid of, or how you need to get deeper, or how you need to be awake a hundred percent of the time. All of that is still within the realm of imagining a problem, imagining that there are certain benchmark measurements. Problems do appear in lives and there are measurements. But Gangaji is inviting you to engage in an experiment and investigation of really, really just immediately being at home.
In this AWESOME 10 minute video, Gautam Sachdeva responds to a question about the “purpose” of suffering.  In his explanation he expands on the dynamics of suffering and how it all takes place behind the scenes.  Let’s listen carefully…
A woman asks for some direction in making decisions in the service of awareness.  In this 12 minute video clip, Rupert responds to her inquiry and attempts to clarify our position in the decisions making process.  Let’s watch…
In this AMAZING video, Rupert Spira makes the case for embracing one unique authority: the absolute knowledge of our own being. It is the only thing that all people have in common, the source of the peace and fulfillment for which all people long. For this reason, it is the only knowledge there is that could serve as a foundation for world peace.  Let’s get started…
When we are filled with doubt and overwhelm, and all seems to be falling apart, there is the potential through self-inquiry to discover home. This enlivening 14 minute exchange with Gangaji, recorded in Santa Fe in 1998, demonstrates how in our willingness to fall apart, we ultimately see what falls away and what remains—the home that is real.
In this super 10 minute video clip, a questioner is confused about “who” is the thinker and Rupert explains that the True Self is always pure Awareness and that it is the “mind” where all the activities occur.  There is actually no issues with this until identification sets in.  Let’s listen to Rupert’s easy to follow wisdom…
In this short 3 minute clip, Gangaji invites you to rest profoundly. “Our ideas of rest have to do with some kind of exhaustion because that’s usually when we rest. But there’s a kind of rest that’s out of that realm, that is the peace of who you are, the home that is always here. The opportunity of retreat is so that that peace cannot go overlooked in any degree ever again.”
In this lovely little 2 minute video, Gangaji talks about the challenge in meeting the truth of yourself in every moment is in meeting it in what you don’t like as well as what you love. It’s just as important to meet the truth of yourself in what you don’t like, without changing your likes and dislikes. Let’s listen in…
In this lovely 12 minute video, Rupert responds to the question, “Is the direct path appropriate for everyone?” Rupert explains that those who are ready for the direct path are attracted and guided to these teachings and those who are not will not be drawn to these teachings in any way.  Let’s listen to his explanation…
In this super short video, Gautam explains how we can best deal with our programmed response of disappointment when things don’t go our way.  Let’s listen to his wise advice…
Is your inner critic running your life? In this episode of Being Yourself, Gangaji demonstrates how to confront the inner-critic without judgment, and finally end the war between ego and superego.
This video is a bit longer than most on this site but there has been a lot of request for guided meditations from Rupert so here is a good one. In this meditation we are guided to become aware that ‘I’ is the continuous element of all experience and that this ‘I’ knows itself simply by being itself. Let’s get started…
This 49 minute video that contain the complete live original TV series episode called “Time”. Most of the material out there from Alan are bits and pieces of his teachings, but this is a complete episode from his TV show. Excellent material.
In this wisdom filled 8 minute video, Krishnamurti explains that the basis of all fear start with inattention of our true being.  He helps us dive in deeper into the felling of fear to reveal the truth of its reality…
In this powerful 2 minute video, Gangaji expresses her support for the end of your unnecessary suffering.  “If you haven’t discovered that home is already present in you at every moment, my function is to point your attention there.  If you have discovered it, my function is to challenge any concept you may have about it.”
In this lovely 12 minute video, a woman who experiences a distinction between her ‘inside world’ and ‘outside world’ asks for guidance on integrating these parts of herself.  Rupert explains the difference between the two and that ultimately they are part of one indivisible reality. Let’s listen…
In this very interesting little audio clip from Alan Watts, we find him talking about several topics converging on the principle of surrender and trust. Interestingly, he also discuses why “Realized” beings still have a strong personality… let’s listen.
In this interesting video from Rupert, there’s a discussion with a seeker about the difference between the direct path of self-inquiry vs a more progressive path that directs the attention to an outside object such as mantra meditation or countless others. The questioner wants to know which path will be better at melting his conditioning… let’s listen…
In this very wise video, Nada offers some intelligent insight into overcoming security and letting go of romantic relationships.  Nada uses a personal experience demonstrating issues with personal insecurity and how it can manifest in the form of romantic attachment, while also offering some insight into how we can become more secure in ourselves and our relationships.
In this fantastic 5 minute video clip, Gautam Sachdeva replies to the very popular question, “How Can I Be Detached?”.  Gautam explains that first we must realize that this is not something that the “person” can do and explains the truth behind this concept.  Let’s listen…
This 28 minute video that contain the complete live original TV series episode called “The Void”. Most of the material out there from Alan are bits and pieces of his teachings, but this is a complete episode from his TV show. Excellent material.
In this lovely 11 minute video, a question seems to be experiencing some confusion over the sense of Awareness and the one that we call “I”.  Rupert explains that what we call “I” is always Awareness’s knowledge of itself and that this Awareness is EXACTLY the same in each of us.  Let’s listen…
In this revealing video, a questioner says that he has just read one of Ramana Maharshi’s books and wants to know what is the difference between the self inquiry that Ramana teaches verses self inquiry that Rupert teaches. Rupert explains that there is ONLY ONE true method of self inquiry and then proceeds to explain the act of self inquiry. Let’s listen in…
This 28 minute video that contain the complete live original TV series episode called “The Silent Mind”. Most of the material out there from Alan are bits and pieces of his teachings, but this is a complete episode from his TV show. Excellent material.
In this lovely little 3 minute reminder, Adyashanti explains that if we want to live our daily life operating from the deepest part of us, we just need to start with the small stuff and work our way up from there.  Let’s watch…