In this lovely little 7 minute video, a questioner says that he has heard many spiritual teachers talk about loving others as you do yourself and wants to know how is it possible to love everybody. Let’s listen to Roger’s intelligent response…
In this 7 minute video from Jeff Foster, a young spiritual teacher from England, we explore a different way of looking at the “negative” thoughts and feelings we try to get rid of. Many teachers speak of “letting go” of these thoughts and feelings but Jeff expresses a different way of looking at them which seems more natural and in line with our true nature.
In this lovely 16 minute meditation with Rupert Spira, we contemplate that, just as a wave is one with the ocean from which it surfaces, we are one with the universe from which we emerge. Therefore, we need only investigate our self to know what the universe essentially is. Let’s sit back, relax, and join in…
Here is a wonderful fourteen minute video of readings of Ramana Maharshi’s teachings. Ramana Maharshi (Maha or great, Rishi or Enlightened Being) was the awe inspiring sage who’s presence graced the renowned sacred Arunachala hill during much of the 20th century. He was known throughout India and to many in the rest of the world as the silent sage whose peaceful presence and powerful gaze changed the lives of the many who came into his presence.
This video may only be 2 minutes long but it contains the Truth of who you are. Let’s join in and listen to the wonderful way Gangaji expresses the essence of our being…
Here is an interesting clip of Rupert Spira explaining that there is nothing but one ever-present Awareness. We ARE that!
In this short 4 minute video, Stephen Wolinsky (a direct student of Nisargadatta Maharaj) takes us on a short guided meditation focusing on the “I Am” in an attempt to experience it directly, rather than just trying to describe it.
A woman whose father recently died says that she feels he is one with her, truly incorporated in her. She asks Rupert to describe the place where loved ones go. Rupert says that it is the heart, where our loved ones always and only exist as our shared being. Let’s listen…
In this revealing 9 minute video, a man asks about happiness, addiction and objective experience. What is the relationship between happiness and objective experience? Rupert suggests what happiness is defined as is the absence of resistance, which can be attributed to the activity or object in our current experience and is the basis of addiction. The absence of resistance is being in the now. Let’s listen as he explains what he means…
In this AMAZING sixteen minute video, Rupert explains in detail how we are all the SAME awareness and NOT multiple versions of the same awareness,and that love itself is only the recognition of our shared being. Lets listen in on this beautiful description of love and being…
In this lovely video recorded July 22, 2001, Gangaji speaks about the prayers she had as a child, and the true prayer, or desire for living freedom. This is a deep and intense look at the true meaning of prayer and how it relates to our self-realization. “There is some force that is seeking itself. That desires itself. That is praying for itself.”
In this super interesting 7 minute video, a man asks Rupert to help him with his belief that awareness is located in the head. Let’s listen to Rupert’s response…
Did you know that your Awakening may have already taken place?! The fact is that there are countless beings out there that have actually realized their true nature, but because the mind (ego) seems to return now and then, they are still waiting for an awakening to happen. The FACT is that Awakening is only a stage in our spiritual evolution and that once Awakening has taken place, integration of our new understanding in our daily lives is something that must include vigilance until our body’s dying breath. Let’s listen to what Mooji and Rupert Spira have to say…
Here’s a beautiful little eight minute video from a lovely being named Nada who shares with us a very profound message about the difference between self love and narcissism. Let’s listen…
In this 7 minute video, Rupert intelligently expresses his view on what is illusion and what is real.
In this 5 minute video, Adyashanti does a great job in describing the imagined self and how we can begin to dismantle it. Short video, huge message.
Most of us have the tendency to project what we want for the future. In fact, the whole idea of goals is based on this tendency. The problem with that is if we are attached to the outcomes we desire, they can make us totally miserable. Let’s listen to some wise words from Roger Castillo on this subject…
There are more direct pointings in this 2 1/2 minute video, then in a stack of other books on spirituality. The quoted text shared in this amazing little audio/video provides all the guidance one needs for a life of FREEDOM and understanding. Let’s clear our minds and get started…
In this 13 minute video clip from Rupert Spira, he shows us THE most direct path to realizing our true nature. There is an endless variety of paths like the many forms of Yoga and Meditation that can be performed by the body/mind, but the reality is that they are not necessary and most often ineffective at revealing our true nature. This is a must see video…
In this contemplation we come to understand that meditation is simply the knowing of our self as we essentially are, that is, to be our essential self of pure awareness knowingly. Let’s get quite and listen…
This video from an interview with Tony Parsons provides the essence of Tony Parson’s non-dual message. This message can be quite controversial but upon closer examination offers a somewhat unique perspective on non-duality and the reality of our life experience. Feeling adventurous? Let’s give it a try…
When we choose to walk on a spiritual path, our first aspiration may be to transcend our problems or at least transcend the world’s problems. From the mundane to the catastrophic, problems are part of living a human life. So where is peace? What if true fulfillment is realized when we actually stop trying to transcend what Gangaji calls “trouble?” Let’s listen to what Gangaji has to say…
This is a selection of key pointers from Nisargadatta formatted for guided meditation, taken from various texts.
In this super interesting video, Rupert helps us realize that Awareness is not located in the body alone.
In this short video, Adyashanti shares the universal meaning behind the “I am” and how Jesus spoke of it and was completely misunderstood. We are speaking of the sense of “I” before we add anything to it. Everything that we add after “I am…” is simply a description of our sense of identity.
In this lovely little 3 minute reminder, Adyashanti explains that if we want to live our daily life operating from the deepest part of us, we just need to start with the small stuff and work our way up from there. Let’s watch…
This 3 and a half minute video has more wisdom then entire collections of books in describing the true nature of our reality.
In this 7 minute video, Rupert describes the ingredients that are always present when we encounter any type of negative feelings such as jealousy, anxiety and so forth and then describes how it is possible to dismantle these feelings and return to a state of of joy and peace.