In this six minute video, Neal explores the moral question “Do I have the right to be happy if it will make someone else unhappy?”  Let’s listen in on what Neal has to say…
In this short 7 minute video, Rupert explains that after the realization of our true nature, our relationships can change completely as we seek to share our inner happiness with another rather then seek it from others. This opens up the possibilities of true intimacy.
In this super short 2 1/2 minute video, Rupert presents us with a short and yet very different perspective on the meaning of happiness generally adopted by most of humanity. Lets let the message speak for itself…
In this 9 minute video, Rupert attempts to show us that Happiness is not a state that comes and goes but rather it is there ALL the time. Our experiencing of it depends on the layers of mind “stuff” covering it up much like the clouds that cover a blue sky.