In this lovely video recorded July 22, 2001, Gangaji speaks about the prayers she had as a child, and the true prayer, or desire for living freedom. This is a deep and intense look at the true meaning of prayer and how it relates to our self-realization. “There is some force that is seeking itself. That desires itself. That is praying for itself.”
When we choose to walk on a spiritual path, our first aspiration may be to transcend our problems or at least transcend the world’s problems. From the mundane to the catastrophic, problems are part of living a human life. So where is peace? What if true fulfillment is realized when we actually stop trying to transcend what Gangaji calls “trouble?” Let’s listen to what Gangaji has to say…
Recorded during Gangaji‘s live online monthly meeting, this monologue expresses Gangaji’s deep gratitude for her meeting with Papaji. “Papaji offered me the gift of this lifetime. He left me no ground to stand on, and that is what I offer you.” Let’s listen in…
“Maybe grace, deliverance comes to get you. Knocks on your door and says, ‘You have a chance to be at peace.’ In your willingness to take that chance, to accept that invitation to be at peace, then you have an opportunity to share this peace, everywhere.” Living our daily lives, we may find ourselves actually attracted to war. We can also be fed up with that attraction. We can recognize that there is no need to postpone peace in our own minds. In this short audio Gangaji speaks about the roots of war and the opportunity of being at peace
In this very inspiring 14 minute audio, Gangaji explains that the human desire for understanding is powerful. We naturally want to understand where we fit in or how best to fix a problem. Understanding satisfies particular needs in our daily life, but on the spiritual path, is understanding enough? Gangaji addresses the crucial difference between realization and understanding that transforms our life experience.
In this super short 3 minute video, a questioner says that he has a deep sense of longing that he feels will never go away and he wants to know what he can do about it. Let’s listen to Gangaji‘s beautiful response…
When we are willing to set aside our beliefs, our thoughts, our powers of mind for an instant, the peace we long for and search for, is immediately revealed. In this lively 20 minute exchange, Gangaji speaks to the experience of “losing our peace” because some thing has changed, and where finally it is always found.
In this super short 6 minute video, Gangaji invites us to investigate and see if there is truly is an obstacle to immediately going home, or if the obstacles are imagined. Please enjoy this brief talk from Gangaji.
Perhaps your search for peace and happiness has taken you down many different roads. It may be rooted in a desire for security, spiritual attainments, personal power, or even just an end to feeling afraid. In this 12 minute monologue, Gangaji shares how it is possible to discover the limitless peace of being that is not subject to our ideas, definitions, or circumstances.
Many spiritual seekers hope to realize a “quiet mind”. What is actually possible given the stream of thoughts that go through our minds every day? In this 20 minute audio, Gangaji speaks to the life-changing opportunity to “overhear your stories” and stop following any thought no matter how elevated or mundane the thought is. Let’s join in…
Here is a wonderful 7 minute compilation by Lucia Lagana which features almost all the best quotes from the spiritual masters of today and from long ago. Definitely worth the time to watch…
In this lovely 11 minute video, Gangaji speaks of the ordinary desires that shape our daily lives, and the one extraordinary desire for freedom, or union with God, that arises in certain lifetimes. She is here in your life to honor that true desire and point you home to yourself. Let’s listen…
In this very interesting video, Gangaji responds to a question about, “what blocks your fulfillment?”. Let’s listen carefully as she provides a very clear explanation…
In this super short 3 minute video, someone asked Gangaji if it matters after self-realization that there is violence and ignorance in the world. Yes, it matters. When you wake up to the truth of yourself, you can serve the world, become the hands and arms of the world. Let’s listen carefully to this great wisdom…
Our spiritual discovery of the absolute truth of one’s being can be turned into a hiding place, where we ignore harsh realities and deny the cruelest aspects of our shared humanity. Ignorance is not “bliss.” Rather, it is the root of all suffering. In this powerful monologue delivered in 1999, Gangaji shares that the end of ignorance and our willingness to be all is the “gold of self-realization.”
When we step onto the spiritual path, often we hope to transcend our fears. Our fear of death and loss can drive a lack of compassion and perpetuate our unnecessary suffering. Gangaji encourages us to meet our fear, not avoid it. In a moment of giving up control and simply being undeniably flawed, mortal, and very human, we can rest in the peace of who we are.
What do you do when you are stuck with the feeling that you are not enough? In this lovely little 4 minute video, Gangaji directs the inquiry into what is truly enough?
The sacred hunger for truth, for God, for love, for peace, for freedom is the force calling us home. This deep longing doesn’t leave us alone. It persists even with a lifetime of disillusionments or “unfulfilled promises.” No matter what spiritual path we have taken or not taken, Gangaji offers all this encouragement: “Let this hunger for Truth have you. It is a glorious feast, and it is time to stop circling the table. You have a place at this feast.”
In this beautiful seven minute video, Gangaji speaks about love, what it is and what it isn’t, and how we try to control it. Gangaji expresses a VERY REALISTIC point of view about love so let’s get started…
In this very revealing 9 minute video, Gangaji explains how there was a time when she just didn’t like certain things about herself until she realized that what she didn’t like was coming from the “person” she thought herself to be. Let’s listen what happen after this discovery…
In this beautiful 4 minute video, Gangaji explains that as human beings we crave intimacy, imagining it can only be found in relationships with friends, family, and partners. Rather than trying to find intimacy through others, in this moment, you can immediately discover intimacy in the last place you thought to look—within yourself.
At its root the desire for control is an infantile thought: “What I want is what I should have.” We do have a limited capacity to control many things within our life circumstances, our relationships, or our emotions. But when we try to control what cannot be controlled, we suffer and cause others to suffer. On this 18 minute podcast, Gangaji speaks to what that moment of letting go of control really is and what it reveals.
In this 10 minute video, Gangaji reflects, not for the first or the last time, on the extraordinary times we are living in. While celebrating the wealth of possibilities that our lives present, she offers the timeless teaching from Papaji, to just stop, wherever you are, and drop all that you think you have gained. In a moment of the most pristine, indescribable depth of silence, it is possible to discover the truth of who you are. Gangaji is inviting you, just as you are, into this space of stillness, where the mind clings to nothing.
This 17 minute conversation dives into the emotions we encounter and the mental constructs we run into when we start to really let go of control. With humor and delight, Gangaji guides the conversation under all judgments or attempts to control thought patterns or circumstances, into a free fall into the unknown. Lets’ get started…
Many take a spiritual path in life with a sincere desire to contribute to the well-being of all sentient beings. In this 13 minute episode of Being Yourself, a young man asks, “How can I cultivate the heart of a Bodhisattva?” Gangaji speaks to how we can be true to the Bodhisattva heart in the face of our human, cultural, and spiritual conditioning.
In this lovely 7 minute clip, from a meeting that took place a few days after Papaji’s death, Gangaji shares the last teaching that he gave from his deathbed. Fiercely, furiously, he asked each one of his devotees in the room, this very essential question that is really the root of all his teaching. “Where is the Buddha?” Let’s find out the significance of this teaching…
In this monologue from September 2014, Gangaji reflects on the strange times we are living in (which could so easily apply to right now) and asks us to reflect on what our responsibility is: ending the war, the barbarism, the slavery, the horror, on this one spot of Mother Earth. Then we are actually available and can be fully used in the awakening of all.
We naturally value self-reliance and independence especially in Western culture. Considering our personal survival, the desire to not be dependent on others makes sense, but is it real? In this 10 minute audio from one of her podcasts, Gangaji helps us discover the self we can truly rely on and the self-love that is revealed in that discovery.