Here is a wonderful 7 minute compilation by Lucia Lagana which features almost all the best quotes from the spiritual masters of today and from long ago. Definitely worth the time to watch…
A koan is a riddle or puzzle that Zen Buddhists use during meditation to help them unravel greater truths about the world and about themselves. Zen masters have been testing their students with these stories, questions, or phrases for centuries. Many koans can be traced back to the collections of sayings amassed by Chinese priests in the 12th and 13th centuries. Koans may seem like paradoxes at first glance. It is up to the Zen student to tease out their meaning. Often, after a prolonged and exhausting intellectual struggle, the student realizes that the koan is actually meant to be [More]
In this 10 minute clip from an interview for Science and Non-Duality, Adyashanti responds to a question about what makes him annoyed or angry.  Let’s listen as we discover that Yes Adyashanti is human too…
In this very well produced 10 minute video, Self-realized Spiritual Master Adyashanti shares his story of enlightenment.  Let’s get started…
How awake are you in this moment? No matter how many experiences of awakening you’ve had, what truly matters is how you express your awakeness in your everyday interactions. In this 6 minute video clip, Adyashanti differentiates between a revelatory moment and an ongoing commitment to express your awakening through your soulful orientation.
In this 9 minute clip, Adyashanti invites us to authentically embody our awakening by being fully grounded in our connection to the realities of life. As we contemplate our lives, we can ask ourselves how we can allow our awakening to authentically inform our way of being in everything we do.
In this lovely little 3 minute reminder, Adyashanti explains that if we want to live our daily life operating from the deepest part of us, we just need to start with the small stuff and work our way up from there.  Let’s watch…
In this compelling 14 minute dialogue, Adyashanti speaks with a Sangha member about the ‘I got it, I lost it’ phenomenon when it comes to realizing the fundamental reality.  Together they discuss the process of self-realization, the shifts of perspective that come, and what to do when it feels like the realization is not present in your life.
In this calming guided meditation, Adyashanti leads you to discover the pre-existing quiet within every moment, and how meditation is something that is happening rather than something you do.
PLEASE CLICK ON BLUE LINK BELOW TO VIEW VIDEO! In this illuminating 9 minute excerpt, Adyashanti explores the immense mystery of our being. If we step outside our acquired knowledge and enter into a place of not knowing, we can truly experience the living mystery that we are.
In this lovely 10 minute video, Adyashanti shares how we cab develop a contemplative practice that involves an inward arc of exploration where consciousness turns within and you enter the unknown. Let’s get started…
Our spiritual search can be initiated by the ego as a reaction to the challenges of life or from the immensity of the Self. In this splendid 10 minute video,  Adyashanti looks into both of these avenues of spiritual discovery and into what role the ego plays in our spiritual search. Even if our search is mainly driven by the ego at the beginning, something beyond ego can begin to move within you as the true spiritual instinct arises.
In this lovely 5 minute video, Adyashanti explains that the world of experience has a very powerful magnetic attraction but that we must learn to let life be, let what happens… happen, and find out what remains.  This is one way to experience our true nature…
In this lovely little 4 minute video, Adyashanti describes the power of being on retreat, without external and internal distractions, you are left to explore yourself to the deepest degree. However, what happens to this inner depth of seeing once the retreat is over and we return home?  Adyashanti explains that we can intentionally bring this peace home with us into our everyday lives…
In this wisdom filled 7 minute video, Adyashanti explains that Being FULLY present is essence of being spiritually awake. He goes on to explain that this can not be done with the mind because being fully present is something that the mind can not do because its very nature is to focus on the past or the future. Let’s listen to Adyashanti’s recommendation for this…
This this important little 7 minute clip, Adyashanti explains that although Awakening is a fundamental realization in life, it is not a cure all or end all. It will not suddenly wipe out all the circumstances in your life or life issues you may be experiencing.  Its very important that we don’t fall in love with idea of Awakening. Let’s listen…
In this lovely little 8 minute video, Adyashanti explains that the direct encounter with your immediate experience of being is the most important thing that there is spiritually. Adyashanti explores the vitality that lives within your immediate experience of being. As you explore that aspect of being, you are encountering the silence that lives at the heart of existence.
Adyashanti The deepest form of spirituality is something we engage in, not something we simply believe in. What is worth orienting a life around? If we never contemplate these kinds of questions, then our life tends to be dictated by outward experiences. In this short 7 minute video,  Adyashanti invites you to look past your beliefs to within your own experience and discover what values are deeply meaningful to you.
In this 5 minute video clip, Adyashanti explains that deep spirituality begins when we finally have the maturity to recognize how deeply and profoundly we are a mystery unto ourselves. He invites you into this revolutionary state where you are no longer judging yourself but you are diving into the mystery of being.
In this 5 minute video we find Adyashanti providing a guided meditation for those times when time is short. In this version, Adyashanti points to the quiet that is already there—before you do anything to create it.  Let’s find a quiet place and get started…
This very special 3 minute video from Adyashanti helps us to remember that the authentic hallmark of a true authentic Awakening is that you experience extraordinary intimacy with all of life. Recognizing the nature of being within oneself, one can recognize this same beingness within all. In this realization, barriers between self and other dissolve, and all that remains is the primordial oneness of all that is.
What at does it mean to deeply listen with all of you? In this 10 minute video, Adyashanti invites you to investigate the quality of your listening and to discover how you can bring all of yourself into a deep state of listening where you just become the listening.
Most of us experience psychologically induced fears to some extent or another.  In this video, Adyashanti offers a great and simple tool we can use to disarm psychologically induced fear or at least help you avoid a full on “attack”.  Let’s listen to this brilliant advice…
Who are you before you refer to thought to tell you who you are? If we have any part to play, it’s to not judge the thoughts that arise in our minds, but instead to explore, “What is my relationship with the thoughts that arise?” In this lovely 7 minute video, Adyashanti leads you through an exploration into your relationship with thought.
Why do people want to become enlightened? According to spiritual teacher Adyashanti the spiritual impulse inside every human is because of Life’s longing to become fully conscious of itself. In this inspired 6 minute audio clip, Adyashanti explains how life pushes us, and it will do whatever it needs to in order to accomplish this goal: to become fully conscious of itself.
CLICK ON THE WORDS “WATCH ON YOUTUBE” IN THE VIDEO PLAYER ABOVE. What if you spent an entire day encountering everyone and everything from your heart? By un-attaching from your opinions and ideas, you are naturally connecting with your heart.  In this inspiring challenge, Adyashanti invites you to attune to the perceptual capacity of your heart and relate to all of life from the heart for a whole day. Let’s listen to the challenge…
In this lovely 10 minute audio, Adyashanti explains that true freedom exists when you are able to consider infinite viewpoints, but not be stuck in any of them. By not being beholden to one singular perspective, you allow yourself to attune to each moment anew and see what the moment naturally calls forth in you. Let’ listen…
In this ten minute video, Adyashanti talks about the gap that can occur between what you have “realized” and how you are living as a human being. From true nature’s perspective, as you pay attention to this gap, instead of judging or blaming yourself for this gap, you move towards bringing these two closer together. This is a process that can last all of our lives he explains…