In this 6 minute video, Alan uses the analogy of a boat to help us understand that the only reality there truly is is the present.
This 10 minute video by Rupert Spira is a wonderful reminder of the true meaning of love and provides beautiful insights and confirmation.
This 9 minute video gives us a quick glimpse of Rupert’s view of “Realization”.
This is a selection of key pointers from Nisargadatta formatted for guided meditation, taken from the texts, ‘Seeds of Consciousness’ and ‘Nothing is Everything’.
In this great little ten minute video clip, Rupert shares with us quite a different perspective of love than is commonly believed and explains why the experience of love is the proof that consciousness is infinite. Let’s open our hearts and listen…
In this beautiful seven minute video, Gangaji speaks about love, what it is and what it isn’t, and how we try to control it. Gangaji expresses a VERY REALISTIC point of view about love so let’s get started…
This 5 minute video from Jeff Foster focuses on the problems of looking for happiness from a world that changes constantly, and places special emphasis on why relationships can be so volatile because of this tendency.
In this very well produced 10 minute video, Self-realized Spiritual Master Adyashanti shares his story of enlightenment. Let’s get started…
In this lovely 9 minute video, a man feels ‘enchanted’ by thoughts and asks for guidance on how to stay connected to himself while thinking. Let’s listen carefully to Rupert’s response…
In this lovely 10 minute video, Jac speaks about experiencing human emotions when emptiness is unobstructed by other lenses of perception. Let’s get started with this very interesting video…
In this great 14 minute video, a man asks how to deal with fear and anxiety, especially when his mind comes up with frightening ‘what-if’ scenarios. He wonders if they aren’t all variations of the same fear of not existing. Rupert elaborates on the existential, primal fear that underlies the sense of being a separate self.
In this 10 minute video, Rupert explains that once the “self” is realized, there is no need to try to stop the attention from going out because it is realized that the attention is always operating from the source and never really leaves home.
Beliefs around what awakening should look like can be woven into old habits of blame and self criticism. In this lovely 16 minute video, Jac speaks about how to deepen our capacity to witness and heal what wants to be seen without bypassing or self referencing.
In this great ten minute video, Rupert responds to a very common question about where our thoughts come from. While explaining the answer, Rupert also touches on our relationship with freedom and free will. Let’s listen…
This is another amazing little 12 minute clip from Alan Watts. In this installment, Alan gives us a peek into the workings of the universe and our place “in it”. There is enough wisdom in this little video to watch at least a dozen times. Let’s enjoy…
In this 10 minute video we join Tsur Taub, a Philosopher and a researcher of the mind and its potentials, in a step by step inquiry into the nature of the self. Very clear and interesting approach that is well worth the 10 minute investment in time… To watch “What is Consciousness?” click here.
Recorded during Gangaji‘s live online monthly meeting, this monologue expresses Gangaji’s deep gratitude for her meeting with Papaji. “Papaji offered me the gift of this lifetime. He left me no ground to stand on, and that is what I offer you.” Let’s listen in…
In this amazing 11 minute video, Eckhart Tolle, author of THE POWER OF NOW, offers insight into dealing with the death of a loved one. Let’s listen carefully…
In this EXCELLENT video, Rupert Spira speaks of TWO approaches to ending suffering. He explains that there is the Vedantic (Self-Inquiry) method or the Tantric (Submerging yourself in the suffering) method. Either method will work and should be experimented with.
This short 5 minute video clip from Roger Castillo focuses on the idea of you, Awareness and God as being all one and the same. Let’s listen in on Roger’s simple, yet “Truth” revealing message…
In this extremely short two and a half minute video, Rupert explains how Awareness (what we are) NEVER flows through time and space. Although this message is very short, it contains the highest level of realization and should be contemplated over and over as the mind goes on its fantasies of independent existence.
In this 7 minute clip from a 2020 online weekend, Gangaji examines what self-inquiry really is, and how it can be relevant for you, in your life, in this time. In the moment of true inquiry, there is a surrender to the deepest mystery of who you are.
TO WATCH THIS VIDEO, PLEASE CLICK ON THE TEXT THAT SAYS “WATCH ON YOUTUBE” IN THE BLACK BOX. Adyanshanti explains that awareness is about being and not doing. Everything that has to do with “doing” is of the ego.
In this super short 3 minute video featuring an audio clip from Alan Watts we are asked to think about the mistake that is made in our society between our measuring devices and confusing them with what ACTUALLY makes things happen. Let’s listen in on Alan as he explains…
In this fantastic 15 minute video, Rupert responds to a woman who wants to know what happens to her faith in God and prayer now that she has recognised her essential infinite being. Rupert explains that God is the very self of each of us and therefore any effort in praying to an outside God is actually directed away from God and that what was once regarded as faith is now simply a case of surrender. Let’s listen to these wise response to this common question…
Have you ever been curious about why “Evil” and violence is allowed to exist in this world? In this twelve minute video, Rupert Spira explains the EXACT reason for this and how it involves each and every one of us to instigate change towards peace, love and understanding. Let’s listen carefully…
In this six minute video clip of Jac on the show “Never Not Here”, she explains that without identification there seems to be a preference for silence and a loss of interest for social interactions, but that when a happening is meant to occur, consciousness springs to action automatically.
In this short yet inspiring 5 minute video clip, Nada helps us understand that the typical model for love, especially as it pertains to relationships, is not filled with unconditional love which results in the forever increasing rate of divorce and breakups. He goes on to explain a better way through the practice of true unconditional love…let’s listen…