In this short 3 minute video, Adyashanti describes how the development of the ego is a natural part of the development of the human psyche.
In this 10 minute clip from an interview for Science and Non-Duality, Adyashanti responds to a question about what makes him annoyed or angry.  Let’s listen as we discover that Yes Adyashanti is human too…
In this awesome 10 minute video, Adyashanti explains that as you relinquish the mind’s desire to constantly be doing or understanding something, you can step out of the egoic mind state and into all-inclusive awareness.
In this cute five minute animation we find Frick and Frack discussing the question, “What is my true nature?” The beauty of using this format to convey this message is that it allows us to focus on the MESSAGE rather than the MESSENGER. Let’s listen in on there little conversation… This is Part 1 of this discussion of our true nature between Frick and Frack. Here are the links to the other parts of this series: Part 1 – The Nature of Reality Part 2 – Individuality & Conditioning Part 3 – Personality After Realization Part 4 – Free Will [More]
In this awesome twelve minute video, Rupert provides some practical advice on how to deal with uncomfortable feelings of any kind that can stir up inside during inquiry or meditation or introspection. Let’s listen to this valuable advice…
In this 9 minute video, Adyashanti explains the mechanics of suffering and offers a simple yet powerful way to see beyond the misperceptions that cause it.
In this super short video by Rupert Spira, he explains that believing in Advaita or Non-Duality can often just be the ego masquerading as understanding.  The realization of the “Truth” is not about believing in anything but rather an inner realization that becomes the foundation for who/what we are. Very short video but extremely important to understand.
In this short five minute video, Gangaji invites us, if only for a moment, to call off the search and recognize the “Truth” that is already within us.
In this short 5 minute video from Adyashanti, you will hear a message that is the opposite of what most are told about following a path to find the “Self”.   He explains that over 99% of what people do to wake up is actually reinforcing the dream state.  Short video featuring an incredible message.
In this AMAZING nine minute video from a lovely being named Nada, he provides amazing insight into the questions, “Why does life seem so unfair sometimes?” “Is life really unfair, or could we just be looking at it with the wrong perspective?” Let’s listen as he provides priceless wisdom…
In this beautiful short video, Maurizio asks some very interesting questions about the self from a scientific standpoint. Even science is coming to the conclusion that our beliefs in a separate self may be just an illusion.
Most people believe that Enlightenment or Awakening means the end of the ego. In this very short four minute video, Ramesh Balsekar explains that in actuality the ego remains after Awakening and for the entire duration of the body. Let’s listen carefully… Ramesh Balsekar is a direct desciple of the late Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. He also became one of Maharaj’s favorite live translators and did so for several years until Maharaj’s death and went on to write several books containing Maharaj’s teachings and discourses.
In this 10 minute video, Rupert talks about the three stages of understanding starting with “I Am Something” to “I Am Nothing” to “I Am Everything” until finally one realizes that even “I Am Everything” is not true and what we are left with is something that can not be described by the mind.  That is why we keep hearing that what we are can not be described.
In this twenty minute video, Rupert starts out by explaining that there is no “Choice” or “Time” or “Distance” in reality. All of these concepts are created through the limitations of the mind and that any questions we might have about the nature of how the world works is a futile endeavor until we realize the true nature of self. Let’s listen carefully…
In this very short three minute video Jac expresses a very meaningful description of true gratitude which rises up from nowhere and is directed at no one.  This is the kind of gratitude that does not come out of expectation or forcing of any kind and truly fills your heart with joy without cause.  Let’s take a quick listen…
In this cute three minute animation we find Frick and Frack discussing the question of “Free Will”. The greatest advantage to these cartoons is that it allows us to focus more on the MESSAGE, rather than the credibility or character of the messenger. This is Part 4 of this discussion of our true nature between Frick and Frack. Here are the links to the other parts of this series: Part 1 – The Nature of Reality Part 2 – Individuality & Conditioning Part 3 – Personality After Realization Part 4 – Free Will Part 5 – Life After Realization Part [More]
In this seven minute video, Ramana Maharshi describes in detail the day he realized the “Self”. Ramana Maharshi (Maha or great, Rishi or Enlightened Being) was the awe inspiring sage who’s presence graced the renowned sacred Arunachala hill during much of the 20th century.
In this five minute video, Gangaji puts forth a very simplistic way at looking at and being who you are.
In this short four minute video, Alan says a few words about the mind’s addiction to thinking and the solution which is simply to take some time to watch the mind without engaging with it (leave the mind alone).
In this insightful 7 minute video clip from Lisa, she explains that there really is no “person” we can call “somebody” and that even the body/mind has no awareness of its own without consciousness.  Let’s listen in on her simplified explanation…
There are more direct pointings in this 2 1/2 minute video, then in a stack of other books on spirituality.  The quoted text shared in this amazing little audio/video provides all the guidance one needs for a life of FREEDOM and understanding.  Let’s clear our minds and get started…
In this twelve minute video, Rupert explains directly why peace, joy and happiness appears to come and go even though these states are the perfume of our true nature. Let’s listen to his simple explanation using a common metaphor…
Nada video: Limiting beliefs are those beliefs which stand in the way of us living life authentically and doing what we feel inspired to do. These beliefs tell us we aren’t good enough, we aren’t smart enough, we aren’t talented enough and so on. But what if these beliefs aren’t true?  Let’s watch…
Am I different from the content of my consciousness? If I am different from the thing I observe in myself, then there is a division between ‘me’ and the thing which I inquire into. In this 3 minute video, J. Krishnamurti explains that when one looks into it very deeply, it’s fairly simple – one sees the observer is the observed, therefore, you eliminate all conflict. Let’s hear his explanation…
TO WATCH THIS VIDEO, SIMPLY CLICK ON “WATCH ON YOUTUBE” IN THE BLACK VIDEO PLAYER. In this very short three minute video, Adyashanti explains that one of the most direct and authentic hallmarks of an authentic spiritual awakening is that you experience an extraordinary intimacy with all of life.
In this 9 minute video from Rupert, he explains how a teacher or guru can help the “self” recognize itself (or Awaken).  His carefully worded answer to this common question also explains why some teachers prefer to help by providing guidance, initially regarded as dualistic, in order to provide “custom” pointings that are more meaningful to the individual.  Very interesting!
Adyashanti cuts to the heart of what’s really true and points to the causeless happiness that comes with knowing the sacred reality of who we are.
This 8 minute audio clip from Adyashanti helps us to understand that our parents are not the cause of our suffering in the present moment.  They may have caused a lot of pain and suffering in the past, but to continue to suffer for their actions in the present moment is a choice that we make by reliving the past over and over again.  Of course, the same applies to friends, relatives and even enemies.