This 3 and a half minute video has more wisdom then entire collections of books in describing the true nature of our reality.
This 3 and a half minute video has more wisdom then entire collections of books in describing the true nature of our reality.
Mind blowing inspirational video
Not sure I understand but I like the feel of it.
And the music…
This is so beautiful and I know for a fact that you will pretend that it is not beautiful. At least, you can pretend!
It stroke a cord.. a tear..
This brief presentation Is very powerful. The dreamer is dreaming the dream of your life. Thank you.
i don’t understand what he wants to convey! There is no such thing as God-it is creation of human mind.
The human mind IS God’s dream.
Beaurtiful. Eckhart Tolle helped me understand Rupert Spira. Rupert Spira helped me understand Alan Watts. It is true that when the student is ready the teacher appears.
This is so beautiful and true and powerful indeed. In the end we are what we want to be and do not regognise it. Till you do..
If we go very silent within ourselves we can feel the truth of what he is teaching. It is actually right in front of us, so obvious, we are the essence of everything!
Alan a true wisdom master. See also Mutkananda The play of consciousness.