In this lovely 10 minute audio, Adyashanti explains how we each have an instinct toward greater consciousness, and our spiritual practice is a way of responding to that. Adyashanti explores how the spiritual impulse originates and the importance of bringing our consciousness into the depths of our unconscious.
Your own personal philosophy is a lens that you view life through, and it interprets and colors all of your experiences, creating your life. Adyashanti asks us to take a moment to reflect on the question: What philosophy am I entertaining at this moment right now?
In this 7 minute video, Rupert describes the ingredients that are always present when we encounter any type of negative feelings such as jealousy, anxiety and so forth and then describes how it is possible to dismantle these feelings and return to a state of of joy and peace.
In this 11 minute audio from Alan Watts, he shares his message that if we practice religion in order to try to get something out of it, we are truly wasting our time. He goes on to explain how religion can become a way to celebrate life and is really about the pure enjoyment of it.
Recorded during Gangaji‘s live online monthly meeting, this monologue expresses Gangaji’s deep gratitude for her meeting with Papaji. “Papaji offered me the gift of this lifetime. He left me no ground to stand on, and that is what I offer you.”  Let’s listen in…
This video from an interview with Tony Parsons provides the essence of Tony Parson’s non-dual message. This message can be quite controversial but upon closer examination offers a somewhat unique perspective on non-duality and the reality of our life experience. Feeling adventurous? Let’s give it a try…
In this 8 minute video narrated by Vasundhara, we find quotes from conversations with Nisargadatta Maharaj. This particular one is focused on the supreme, the mind and the body. Let’s sit back quietly and enjoy…
Here’s a little 22 minute guided meditation for you. Embracing our beautifully sensitive, tired hearts and souls in infinite love. If you have a little time to spare, I would love for you to join me in Presence. With some gentle background music.
In this cute four minute animation we find Frick and Frack discussing the fact that we can still experience moods, anxiety, fear and stress after realization. The greatest advantage to these cartoons is that it allows us to focus more on the MESSAGE, rather than the credibility or character of the messenger. This is Part 5 of this discussion of our true nature between Frick and Frack. Here are the links to the other parts of this series: Part 1 – The Nature of Reality Part 2 – Individuality & Conditioning Part 3 – Personality After Realization Part 4 – [More]
In this sixteen minute video, a participant who is also a scientist struggles with the consciousness-only model because of his training which based on proving the existence of matter. Let’s listen as Rupert takes him step-by-step into the consciousness-only model…
In this nine minute video, Jac O’Keeffe reminds us that the reason that “Create Your Own Reality” methods sometimes give the illusion of working is that ones desires can often be an intuitive preview of what is to come in the apparent sequential story of “me”.
This short 8 minute video contains rare footage of Nisargadatta Maharaj. His most precious teaching is shared like… when he was asked “Why is it so important for us to realize our true nature?”, he responded with “Without realization, you world becomes filled with desires and fears, repeating themselves meaninglessly in endless suffering.”  The message shared in this video is the basis for all of Mooji’s teachings or ANY other true Master’s pointings.
In this interesting 4 minute video, Jac explains that even though desires actually come from the “person”, having many unfulfilled desires can often lead to despair.   Let’s listen in as she explains…
This beautifully produced 10 minute audio/video from Gangaji deserves a full five star rating.  Every single word points to the true nature of reality and adds no confusing concepts to distract the restless mind, leaving room for true realization of the all encompassing “Self”.
Alan has a wonderful way of explain things without mysticism or dogma.  In this 10 minute video, he takes us on a closer look into the unreality of the ego.
In this 5 minute video, Jac addresses the common notion that it is somehow more noble to “Love Thy Neighbor as Yourself” and that in order to be a “good” person, one should apply this principle in life.  She explains that this is a misunderstanding and that nature does not function that way, so why should we impose such unreasonable demands on ourselves and others.  Let’s listen in as she describes the natural flow of attraction and love.
In this world, millions and millions of people experience unnecessary stress generated by their search for perfection in some are of their lives. In this little eight minute video from a lovely being named Nada, we find the relief from such self imposed stress by realizing that perfection is not real and only a matter of perspective. Let’s listen to this advice… Click here for more Nada videos.
In this awesome 10 minute audio clip, Roger Castillo sheds light on what non-dual teachings are, what they are pointing at and how magic can happen if what is said penetrates to the heart.
In this 4 minute video, Adyashanti speaks about the fear of letting go of collective consciousness which can often be a mental block to Awakening. We don’t want to let go of our basic human conditioning in fear that we will no longer be able to relate to the rest of the world.  See what Adyashanti has to say about it…
In this short seven minute video, Adyashanti reminds us of the power of listening, or as he calls it, “Contemplating Loafing”. This type of listening can be used as prayer and reinforcing our trust in God, our trust in life and the universe. Lets “listen” to these words of wisdom…
In this super short 3 minute video, Rupert reminds us that we should often let ourselves feel the full implications of knowing that Awareness can not die.  He encourages us to revisit that felt-understanding often so that knowledge can assimilate itself into the fiber of “our” lives. For a reminder of the undying nature of Awareness (You), check out this video.
In this 5 minute video clip, Jeff responds to the inquiry of wanting to know the best practice for realizing the “Self”.  Listen to what Jeff has to say…
In this very unusual and intelligent 9 minute video, Rupert explains that its important to really contemplate our questions when we come to Satsang so that we are asking the deepest, most meaningful questions that will results in the clearest seeing and understanding. Let’s listen…
In this superb 9 minute video, a woman says she is fearful of death and asks Rupert for guidance.  Lets listen as Rupert leads this woman to the answer within…
In this AMAZING video, Rupert explains in super clear language the process from infancy where we are fully merged with the outside world, through the development of the ego, and into the realization of consciousness as the true essence of our reality.
In this wonderful 13 minute video with daily life applications, Rupert explores the Vedantic and Tantric approach in relationship to emotions  and what Rupert recommends is very useful, especially the use of the Vendantic approach in the “heat of the moment“ when dealing with others. Let’s listen in…
This video contains some awesome things shared by Alan Watts if you can overlook the incredibly annoying music.  Please try to overlook the music and focus on the message.
Here is a wonderful guided meditation with Rupert Spira called “The Jewel of the Self”. In this guided meditation, Rupert leads us below our thoughts into the quieter dimension of being.  Let’s create a quiet place to listen and enjoy…