Here is a wonderful 7 minute compilation by Lucia Lagana which features almost all the best quotes from the spiritual masters of today and from long ago. Definitely worth the time to watch…
In this lovely compilation, Rupert Spira & Mooji share their wisdom for enlightenment and the “direct path”. The message is presented with differences in vocabulary but completely the same in essence. Let’s join in…
One of my favourite meditations to do are Mooji’s meditations. He was a guest on my “Under The Skin” podcast this week and here are some of the lessons I learned from him…
Did you know that your Awakening may have already taken place?! The fact is that there are countless beings out there that have actually realized their true nature, but because the mind (ego) seems to return now and then, they are still waiting for an awakening to happen. The FACT is that Awakening is only a stage in our spiritual evolution and that once Awakening has taken place, integration of our new understanding in our daily lives is something that must include vigilance until our body’s dying breath. Let’s listen to what Mooji and Rupert Spira have to say…