In this awesome 10 minute video, Rupert explains that when we are suffering it is not the current experience that is causing suffering but rather the actual desire to escape from it. Let’s listen to this amazing perspective on suffering…
In this 4 minute video clip, Gautam Sachdeva, author of ‘Pointers from Ramesh Balsekar,’ talks about that for most, their faith in God is a wavering faith where one has complete faith when things are going according to plan and a loss of faith when things go badly (or not as we planned). Let’s listen to Gautam’s description of unwavering faith…
In this lovely 11 minute video clip, Rupert is asked the question,”Is self inquiry selfish?” He responds by explaining that not only is self inquiry NOT selfish but it is actually an act of love. Let’s listen to Rupert’s words of wisdom…
In this lovely little 10 minute video, Alan Watts explains how everything that comes to you is a return of what goes out of you resulting in the creation of what we want without ever realizing that this is taking place. Let’s listen as Alan helps us understand why this law is operating and how we fit in as part of the whole…
In this 5 minute video clip from an interview with Larry King, Spiritual leader Eckhart Tolle answers your questions from social media including if he believes in God, how he best handles stress, anxiety, depression, and if he has ever been starstruck.
In this revealing 12 minute video, Rupert Spira explains that most mistakenly believe that there are THREE states called “waking”, “dreaming” and “deep sleep”, but the reality is that there are only two states because “deep sleep” is a non-state. It is very important to know this distinction. Let’s listen to his simple explanation…
PLEASE CLICK ON BLUE LINK BELOW TO VIEW VIDEO! In this illuminating 9 minute excerpt, Adyashanti explores the immense mystery of our being. If we step outside our acquired knowledge and enter into a place of not knowing, we can truly experience the living mystery that we are.
In this AMAZING video, Rupert Spira makes the case for embracing one unique authority: the absolute knowledge of our own being. It is the only thing that all people have in common, the source of the peace and fulfillment for which all people long. For this reason, it is the only knowledge there is that could serve as a foundation for world peace. Let’s get started…
In this revealing 8 minute video, a man asks Rupert what is the appropriate action to take when witnessing people mistreating each other if he knows everything is ultimately pure awareness.
In this simple, yet important short 8 minute video clip, a man speaks about the separate self as a mask and Rupert elaborates about the mask and the one that stands behind the mask. Let’s listen in… (In his examples John Smith is having a dream about being King Lear during sleep)
In this very short 2 minute reminder, Alan Watts explains how we relate to the universe as we find ourselves right smack in the middle of it. Let’s listen…
Our spiritual discovery of the absolute truth of one’s being can be turned into a hiding place, where we ignore harsh realities and deny the cruelest aspects of our shared humanity. Ignorance is not “bliss.” Rather, it is the root of all suffering. In this powerful monologue delivered in 1999, Gangaji shares that the end of ignorance and our willingness to be all is the “gold of self-realization.”
In this fantastic 6 minute video, Roger explains that our reactions are determined by our structure and can’t be different at that moment. That’s why there are so many people that want to know why once they have realized the Self, they still have some old thinking and reaction patterns. Let’s listen as Roger explains… Roger Castillo is a non duality teacher / spiritual teacher, born in Malta and migrated to Australia. Roger is a direct disciple of the famous enlightened Indian Advaita (Non-duality) Master Ramesh Balsekar.