In this lovely thirteen minute video, Rupert takes us through the disappearance of time when we are so focused on an activity that we completely become one with the experience. This is actually the most common way most of us get a taste of the bliss that comes with being one with our true nature.
In this six minute audio clip, Alan Watts explains that when the Chinese say that life is purposeless, this is actually a compliment because all of life’s most treasured moments are purposeless. Let’s listen to the potential freedom in these words…
In this twelve minute video clip, Jeff Foster helps us understand our desire for peace and how we can let go to our life as it truly is and find eternal peace within. Let’s listen to this important message…
Most people in our Western culture believe in the horror and degradation of our planet and our political systems. This is the world view that has been sold to the masses. However the FACT is that there is more peace and love on this planet among human beings than at any other time in recorded history. That’s just a FACT. In this great eleven minute video, we get to see that our suffering about the world is a result of being unconscious and buying into belief systems that actually add to the suffering, which is the opposite of what we [More]
In this five minute audio clip you will find another amazing sample of wisdom according to Alan. He reminds us to follow the ever-present, eternal force of nature guiding our every step from within. Let’s enjoy this amazing audio now…
In this interesting 4 minute audio, Alan Watts reminds us that it is very important to take the “Buddha” view of the world but that it is equally as important to make sure that we don’t take life so seriously.  Let’s listen…
In today’s day and age it is becoming more and more prominent in modern society to feel that everyone’s truth is just a valid and anyone else’s truth.  Although this may be true on the surface (in form), the fact is that when it comes to the nature (essence) of the universe, there is only ONE truth at the source of ALL sentient beings. In this awesome 12 minute video, Rupert Spira explains why this is so…
In this revealing 10 minute video, Rupert explains that over 98% of religious teachings is completely false and even the purest non-dual teachings contain massive amounts of concessions in order to try to explain in words what can not be explained in words about our true nature. That means that NONE of ANY teachings can be taken literally. Let’s listen to this incredibly important message…
In this wisdom filled 8 minute video, Krishnamurti explains that the basis of all fear start with inattention of our true being.  He helps us dive in deeper into the felling of fear to reveal the truth of its reality…
In this super short 3 minute video,  Nada explains that this life is a journey.. a journey of growth and discovery.. a journey of awakening.. and yet, perhaps, there is no final destination. Perhaps there is no limit to what we can discover, to what we can learn and know. But as soon as we think we have all the answers, or we’ve arrived at our final destination, we have limited ourselves. That’s when we stop growing, learning and awakening. But if we remain open, we might discover there is more. Let’s get started…
In this great little 8 minute video, Russel shares some life lessons and wisdom from Eckhart Tolle!  Let’s get started…
In this super interesting 5 minute video, a man wants to know how he should live his life given that, he, as a separate self, never comes into existence.  Let’s find out Rupert’s response…
In this inspired 6 minute video, Gautam Sachdeva reminds us that our species is called “human being” and not “human doing”.  Living in modern society can give us the impression that we must always be “doing” when in actually we are human “beings” first.  Let’s listen to this important reminder…