Some of us have difficulty being open to receiving from others in the form of assistance, support, charity and even gifts. In this 8 minute video we explore why we might feel reluctant to receive, and offers some insight on how we might become more receptive to the generosity of others.
Jim Carrey has been expressing tidbits of his understanding of non-duality in the media lately and many are questioning his sanity. By the reaction of the media we find that perhaps the world at large is not ready to hear this message. However, in this nine minute video, a young man named Prince Ea explains what Jim Carey meant in these interviews in a very easy to understand format for the masses. Is it possible that this will become common knowledge in the near future?
This 5 minute video from Alan maybe short but it packs a serious punch. As a form of reality check, Alan starts with the assumption of the big bang and leads us through a logical look at our role within the creation of the universe and how this translates into our true reality as human beings.
Here is a beautiful five minute audio set to music where Lisa Cairns shares a special look into living in the moment and love as the essence of life. Adjust your sound and enjoy…
In this beautiful short video, Maurizio asks some very interesting questions about the self from a scientific standpoint. Even science is coming to the conclusion that our beliefs in a separate self may be just an illusion.
In this lovely little 2 minute video, Gangaji talks about the challenge in meeting the truth of yourself in every moment is in meeting it in what you don’t like as well as what you love. It’s just as important to meet the truth of yourself in what you don’t like, without changing your likes and dislikes. Let’s listen in…
In this revealing 9 minute video, A man asks Rupert what role ethics and lifestyle play in the non-dual teaching. This is a very important and common question so lets listen carefully to Rupert’s response…
CLICK ON THE WORDS “WATCH ON YOUTUBE” IN THE BLACK SCREEN TO VIEW THIS VIDEO! In this seven minute video, Adyashanti addresses the issue of making decisions through enlightened action rather than the ego-mind. Adyashanti explores the connection between self-consciousness and enlightened action, and how by allowing yourself to be in the flow with existence, you can relieve yourself of all unnecessary suffering.
In this fourteen minute audio, Adyashanti tries to explain that we mistake the events of the world as being the cause of suffering and loss of peace within us, when in reality it is our (mind’s) thoughts about what is happening that is separating us from our inner nature of joy and peace.
In this cute three minute animation we find Frick and Frack discussing the question of “Free Will”. The greatest advantage to these cartoons is that it allows us to focus more on the MESSAGE, rather than the credibility or character of the messenger. This is Part 4 of this discussion of our true nature between Frick and Frack. Here are the links to the other parts of this series: Part 1 – The Nature of Reality Part 2 – Individuality & Conditioning Part 3 – Personality After Realization Part 4 – Free Will Part 5 – Life After Realization Part
In this awesome twelve minute video, Rupert provides some practical advice on how to deal with uncomfortable feelings of any kind that can stir up inside during inquiry or meditation or introspection. Let’s listen to this valuable advice…
In this cute five minute animation we find Frick and Frack discussing the question, “What is my true nature?” The beauty of using this format to convey this message is that it allows us to focus on the MESSAGE rather than the MESSENGER. Let’s listen in on there little conversation… This is Part 1 of this discussion of our true nature between Frick and Frack. Here are the links to the other parts of this series: Part 1 – The Nature of Reality Part 2 – Individuality & Conditioning Part 3 – Personality After Realization Part 4 – Free Will
In this 4 minute video, Eckhart Tolle, author of THE POWER OF NOW, exposes the roots of imbalance and suffering, pointing to a life of mastery where we dwell simultaneously in the dimensions of “being” and “becoming.”
In this “eye opening” 3 minute video, Gautam Sachdeva helps us understand how the concept of the “third eye” fits in to the Advaita teachings and our everyday life. Let’s listen to these wise words…
In this AMAZING video, Rupert explains in super clear language the process from infancy where we are fully merged with the outside world, through the development of the ego, and into the realization of consciousness as the true essence of our reality.
In this very revealing 9 minute video, a questioner wants to know, “Is peace, happiness, and love a feeling or the trace of our true nature?” Let’s listen to Rupert’s intelligent response as he uses a metaphor that provides the answer to the question …
In this FANTASTIC 7 minute video, Gautam Sachdeva actually shows us EXACTLY how we come to believe that we are the doer of actions when in reality all is just happening spontaneously. Let’s listen as Gautam uses an everyday work scenario to demonstrate this point…
In this short five minute video, Gangaji invites us, if only for a moment, to call off the search and recognize the “Truth” that is already within us.
In this wisdom filled 8 minute video, a man asks why consciousness creates manifestation at all. Let’s listen as Rupert responds…
In this video, Adyashanti shows that the shift from just understanding to full realization is through experience and begins with a stillness of mind.
This post is bit longer than usual but for fans of Jac O’Keeffe I thought it was important to include the whole interview from 2021 with Susan Hill. Let’s listen as Jac shares some eternal wisdom…
In this twelve minute excerpt from an interview with David Godman, a well know author who has written many books on the teachings of Ramana Maharshi and Papaji, he gives us some insight into the lives of these Masters.
In this twelve minute video, Rupert explains directly why peace, joy and happiness appears to come and go even though these states are the perfume of our true nature. Let’s listen to his simple explanation using a common metaphor…
When we are willing to set aside our beliefs, our thoughts, our powers of mind for an instant, the peace we long for and search for, is immediately revealed. In this lively 20 minute exchange, Gangaji speaks to the experience of “losing our peace” because some thing has changed, and where finally it is always found.
A very common question among seekers involves the idea that they can’t seem to locate this “Awareness” within themselves. In this 10 minute video from Rupert he uses his simplistic method of teaching to help anyone realize the “Awareness” at the center of all experience.
This video is a bit longer than most on this site but there has been a lot of request for guided meditations from Rupert so here is a good one. In this meditation we are guided to become aware that ‘I’ is the continuous element of all experience and that this ‘I’ knows itself simply by being itself. Let’s get started…
In this insightful 7 minute video clip from Lisa, she explains that there really is no “person” we can call “somebody” and that even the body/mind has no awareness of its own without consciousness. Let’s listen in on her simplified explanation…
In this great little 9 minute clip, Rupert Spira responds to an inquirer who is a bit confused about our sense of attention, self inquiry and self abidance. He explains that the simplest way to remove all confusion is to keep inquiring deeper and deeper until it is revealed that you are infinite consciousness ONLY. Let’s listen…