In this super short 3 minute reminder, Jeff Foster reads out his poem, “Let Yourself Rest.” Most of our lives is about go, go, go and Jeff reminds us that we need not be in constant motion and that you are enough, simply in your being. Let’s listen in…
Jeff Foster guides you through a gentle 25-minute guided deep meditation to embrace yourself exactly as you are, and discover a deep inner “YES!”. So sit back, relax, and let’s get started…
Here’s a little 22 minute guided meditation for you. Embracing our beautifully sensitive, tired hearts and souls in infinite love. If you have a little time to spare, I would love for you to join me in Presence. With some gentle background music.
In this 5 minute video, Jeff Foster shares a few words of wisdom to help us deal with the uncertainty cause by world events or any other time we may find ourselves feeling a bit scared and uncertain. Let’s enjoy…
In this lovely little two and a half minute video, Jeff Foster recites a poem designed to help us think about whether we are just repeating spiritual teachings we have learned or whether our daily lives actually reflect our understanding (or lack thereof). Let’s take a quick peek…
In this special 5 minute video we find Jeff Foster sharing a beautiful poem that he wrote about his journey to become a spiritual warrior. Let’s sit back, close our eyes and remain as presence while we listen to these inspiring words…
In this great little 9 minute clip, Jeff Foster offers us a fresh and freeing perspective on meditation. Jeff talks about the true meaning of meditation. Meditation is not a doing, or the attempt to reach a goal, it is the remembering of who you truly are. Let’s listen in…
In this short 4 minute excerpt from his new book, Jeff Foster explains how so many people feel that they should have made more progress with their healing, understanding or enlightenment by now. Jeff offers some insight and advice to deal with this mental issue…
In this important 10 minute video, Jeff talks about the core fears that might arise when we begin to open up to our pain… and how we can find the courage to keep going despite the ‘warnings’ of the mind. Jeff talks of the fearful mind as a gatekeeper…. Jeff Foster is a very special teacher who specializes in the introduction of the Truth for those who have, or currently suffer from depression. Having been through major bouts of depression himself, he can offer more insight into the meaning of the nature of reality as it applies to our mental
We have all had moments in our life when we feel that the present moment is just unbearable. In this great 8 minute video, Jeff Foster helps us understand what is truly going on during those times and what you can do about it. Let’s listen carefully and bookmark this video to watch when this happens to you…
In this very informative 6 minute video, Jeff Foster explains the difference between thinking ABOUT our feelings (in the time-bound mind) and being truly PRESENT with sensations in the body, in the aliveness and safety of the present moment…
In this interesting eight minute Video from an interview of Jeff Foster by Richard Miller (host of Never Not Here), Jeff tries to explain with words the role of love in the attempt to describe non-duality.
In this quick five minute video, Jeff Foster reminds us that much of the pain we go through is caused by abandoning ourselves in the greatest time of need, or as he calls it, “The Land of Powerlessness”. Let’s listen to this empowering little reminder…
This well produced 9 minute video from “Universal Awakening” brings us a beautiful compilation of many of today’s pertinent spiritual teachers providing insights from those who have explored the depths of their being, and invites you to take the step towards a life of wholeness.
In this twelve minute video clip, Jeff Foster helps us understand our desire for peace and how we can let go to our life as it truly is and find eternal peace within. Let’s listen to this important message…
In this great little twelve minute video clip, Jeff Foster reminds us that not only are we the space in which everything comes and goes, but we are also the “everything” that comes and goes. This realization has huge implications including the fact we can never surrender to life as we have already surrendered in order for life to be. Let’s listen…
In this great little five minute video from an interview on “Never Not Here” with Richard Miller, Jeff reminds us that its very easy to get drawn into the idea that we are Brahman, the void of nothingness, and forget that the world of form also originates from that void as well.
In this short video from Jeff Foster, he explains what is meant by the saying that when the person drops, only space remains. That’s a beautiful concept, but what does it really mean when “only space remains.” Here is his explanation…
In this nine minute audio clip, Jeff Foster talks about life before and after the recognition of non-duality. Jeff demystifies enlightenment and points to a love that’s always present amidst every appearance of life.
In this short four minute video clip, Jeff Foster speaks about how we really should see everything within us as divine and with total acceptance. He explains that if we were taught to see everything within us as a divine expression, that would be the end of violence towards ourselves and others.
In this inspired seven minute video, Jeff explains that often we make the mistake of thinking that we must do battle against all of our negative thoughts and feelings in order to get rid of them, when in reality healing is an ever-present awareness that embraces all thoughts and feelings. Let’s let Jeff explain…
In this 10 minute video from Jeff Foster, he points us to the realization that there is only life and we are that life. All of this time when we have felt other than that, was only God playing hide-and-seek with itself. Lets all listen to these words and contemplate our true nature…
This cute ten minute animation does a fantastic job at exposing the ridiculousness of absolute non-dual views when accepted at face value. This video demonstrates that even though all-that-is may appear out of one source, one must also consider a certain validity to the world of form which our senses experience on a day to day basis.
In this six minute video clip from Jeff Foster, we take a closer look at the shortcomings of strict non-dual views and realize that perhaps the role of “Awakening” in our lives is more about the ability to “honor the wave while knowing the ocean.”
In this nine minute video, Jeff responds to a questioner who sincerely wants to know why after so many years of introspection and self work, her feelings of sadness, anger, fear, and doubt have not healed yet.
In this short five minute video, Jeff explains that our minds are so obsessed with “doing” that we even turn “presence” into a destination in the future. It’s time to stop the mind for a minute and listen to what Jeff has to say and see if we recognize any of what he is saying in ourselves…
In this quick 5 minute video clip from Jeff Foster, he expresses that the spiritual search or trying to become a spiritual person can become very exhausting and that what most are searching for is not about becoming anything other than what we already are. Let’s listen in on this very interesting little video…
This nine minute video clip from Jeff Foster focuses on the realization that “All That Is” in each moment has already been accepted by the very fact of its existence, so there is no point for the mind to play its games of accepting or not accepting the “now” because the universe has already accepted the way things are into being.