In this 9 minute video, Adyashanti explains the mechanics of suffering and offers a simple yet powerful way to see beyond the misperceptions that cause it.
TO WATCH THIS VIDEO, SIMPLY CLICK ON THE WORDS “WATCH ON YOUTUBE” IN THE THE BLACK VIDEO BOX! In this short video, Adyashanti shows us how it is possible to see clearly that we are the un-moving awareness behind everything that has a beginning and an end.
This 12 minute audio is Part 1 of a 2 part series from Adyashanti that points us to a different way to think about meditation. His teachings are an open invitation to stop, inquire, and recognize what is true and liberating at the core of all existence.
In this short 5 STAR VIDEO from Deepak Chopra, Deepak answers questions relating to science’s view of consciousness, the true reality about consciousness, and ultimately the true reality of human beings and the universe.
In this 10 minute video, Deepak explains that ultimately the only real reality is “Awareness”.  This video explains how he arrives at this conclusion.
In this 7 minute video from Jeff Foster, a young spiritual teacher from England, we explore a different way of looking at the “negative” thoughts and feelings we try to get rid of.  Many teachers speak of “letting go” of these thoughts and feelings but Jeff expresses a different way of looking at them which seems more natural and in line with our true nature.
In this 12 minute video from Rupert, he responds to a questioner asking about the fact that often her motivation for taking action seems to come from a resistance to “what is”.  This seems in opposition to the concept of “acceptance” until one digs a little deeper to realize that often love can be disguised as resistance but is actually an opportunity to express love in response to injustice.
This is an AMAZING 9 minute audio from Alan in which he takes us on a deep look at the nature of reality as it relates to our everyday life and the value of oneness with the moment to experience our true connection with the universe.
This short 5 minute video clip from Roger Castillo focuses on the idea of you, Awareness and God as being all one and the same.  Let’s listen in on Roger’s simple, yet “Truth” revealing message…
In this cute four minute animation we find Frick and Frack discussing Our True Nature As the One and Only Source. The greatest advantage to these cartoons is that it allows us to focus more on the MESSAGE, rather than the credibility or character of the messenger. This is Part 6 of this discussion of our true nature between Frick and Frack. Here are the links to the other parts of this series: Part 1 – The Nature of Reality Part 2 – Individuality & Conditioning Part 3 – Personality After Realization Part 4 – Free Will Part 5 – [More]
In this eleven minute audio clip, Rupert Spira defines the most rudimentary definition of love and that there is no such thing as the absence of happiness or love; only the apparent veiling of it.
Most of us have found ourselves in a state of worry at one time or other. In fact, many of us spend a significant amount of time each and every day in this destructive state. In this video, Nada provides a quick (3 Min) message to help us melt away the grip of worry. Let’s listen… Click here for more Nada videos.
In this super short two and a half minute video clip, Ramesh Balsekar answers the question, “Where do thoughts arise from? Does my brain or mind create them?” Let’s listen to his reply… Ramesh Balsekar is a direct desciple of the late Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. He also became one of Maharaj’s favorite live translators and did so for several years until Maharaj’s death and went on to write several books containing Maharaj’s teachings and discourses.
This short 5 minute video from Rupert Spira clearly demonstrates that in a world of duality (the physical world), the ego is not a mistake.
In this 8 minute video, Rupert explains that in order for one to discover the true cause of conflicts in their relationships, one must realize who/what they are.  He goes on to say that in all cases of conflict with others, one can find wrong identification at its root. See how Rupert explains it…
In this 7 minute video, Rupert takes us on another logical look at the dream state for Awareness versus the waking state and concludes that there is really no difference. For Awareness, all the different states are just a dream.
This 10 minute clip takes a closer look at the non-reality of the ego (person-hood) and the role that it can play in our lives.  Alan Wilson Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) was a British-born philosopher, writer, and speaker, best known as an interpreter and populariser of Eastern philosophy for a Western audience.
In this amazing 4 minute audio/video from Alan Watts, he focuses on the ultimate truth of who we are and also talks of what it is like after death and before we were born.  This is a MUST watch!
Here is a wonderful 6 minute guided meditation from Adyashanti called “There is Only Truth”.  Adyashanti guides you to the realization that unity is ever-present, and all that is required of you is a stepping back from the belief that unity isn’t already existing here and now. Just sit back, relax and enjoy!
In this very short three minute video Jac expresses a very meaningful description of true gratitude which rises up from nowhere and is directed at no one.  This is the kind of gratitude that does not come out of expectation or forcing of any kind and truly fills your heart with joy without cause.  Let’s take a quick listen…
In this great little five minute video from Adyashanti, he attempts to describe the final return to the Absolute (who we are). Let’s take a moment to visualize this wonderful reminder…
In this very short three minute video, Rupert reminds us that the nature of Awareness, the nature of what we ARE, is peace and happiness and that all that needs to be done to enjoy peace and happiness is to spend time with ourselves.
In this 4 minute quickie, Alan Watts takes us on an adventure into our imagination where we can dream our life into being, only to realize that this may be the same exact process our current (dream) life is experiencing. Let’s sit back and listen…
Most of us experience psychologically induced fears to some extent or another.  In this video, Adyashanti offers a great and simple tool we can use to disarm psychologically induced fear or at least help you avoid a full on “attack”.  Let’s listen to this brilliant advice…
Here is ANOTHER AMAZING little video from Gautam Sachdeva.  We often hear in Advaita (non-dual) teachings that we must surrender to God’s will and many can accept that except when it comes to horrible things like rape, murder, and sick children.  How can these things be God’s will?  Let’s listen…
In this very short 4 minute video, a passage is read from “I Am That!” by Vasundhara.  This particular passage is focused on the nature of the mind and its tendencies and how to transcend the mind by finding your one and only real self. Let’s listen…
Here’s a great little five minute video featuring David Godman who shares some personal experiences with Nisargadatta Maharaj, which includes the backbone of Nisargadatta Maharaj’s teachings. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj was an Indian spiritual teacher and philosopher of Advaita (Nondualism), and a Guru, belonging to the Navnath Sampradaya. Sri Nisargadatta, with his direct and minimalistic explanation of non-dualism, is considered the most famous teacher of Advaita since Ramana Maharshi.
Anxiety can sometimes be overwhelming and debilitating, or at the very least, unsettling. In this 13 minute video Nada shares a simple method for dealing with anxiety when it arises. Very great practical advice, let’s listen…