In this great 15 minute video from Rupert, he attempts to explain why God is everything, in spite of our mind’s inability to comprehend and/or accept that God could be the horrific as well as the glorious. Let’s listen in on Rupert’s explanation…
In this eye opening 8 minute video clip, Alan Watts tackles the question, “Why do we feel the need to improve the world?” when there is still so much improvement to be done on ourselves. He explains that what we may think is an improvement for others could actually be disastrous for them. And since most people are completely asleep to the fact of who they are, who are they to try to improve anything? Let’s listen to this unusual perspective…
For most people that are seriously involved in their spiritual journey, a feeling of being alone can develop over time since the people in our lives seem to be in a totally different place. The closer we are to awakening, the less we can truly share the wisdom we have discovered. Let’l listen to this great little 7 minute video from Nada who explains why this is so and what we can do about it…
In this AMAZING 14 minute video from Rupert Spira, he provides the answer to, “How does prayer work after one realizes that there is only one Awareness, one God?” or another way this question is often asked is, “Can Awareness pray to itself?” Since most humans practice devotion and prayer in some form or another, this question puts this video in the 5 star category.
In this AMAZING 11 minute video, Nada explain how one can easily perform a self-assessment of their spiritual progress. He explains that it has NOTHING TO DO with how many books you’ve read, how knowledgeable you are on spiritual topics, whether you are following a guru, part of or leader of a spiritual community, or how proficient you are at manifesting. There is one simple test that will show you the spiritual progress you are making, let’s find out what it is…
In this short 5 minute video, Gangaji shares one of the simplest and most profound directives to getting more than what you want. One can never realize a state of peace when one is always searching for something they feel they do not have.
In this thirteen minute audio, Jeff takes us on a closer look at seeking and what we believe to be freedom through a series of questions that help us to understand that everything “is” already. Because of that, we find that there is no need for seeking and true freedom includes everything, including that which we seek freedom from.
In this wonderful thirteen minute video clip, while discussing the illusion of the web and flow of Awareness during stressful situations, Rupert explains that the discovery of the self and the realization of what we are is the greatest discovery we can make as human beings.
How often do we allow our emotions to override our logic, our judgment, our decisions? In this great 5 minute video from Nada, he helps us understand that we need to let our logic speak louder than our emotions. Let’s listen to this wise message…
In this powerful 4 minute excerpt (from a joint-Satsang from Gautam Sachdeva and Roger Castillo), Gautam tells a beautiful, short story of forgiveness from the Indian Scriptures, and reminds people of Ramesh Balsekar’s message of love.
In this 9 minute video, Rupert explains that because consciousness is infinite in nature and that time does not really exist, time and objects seemingly arise together in consciousness to create an apparent object or apparent event “in time”.
Most of us have the tendency to project what we want for the future. In fact, the whole idea of goals is based on this tendency. The problem with that is if we are attached to the outcomes we desire, they can make us totally miserable. Let’s listen to some wise words from Roger Castillo on this subject…
In this short 6 minute video, Rupert helps us to dispel the myths about time and helps us to take a clear look at this moment we call now.
In this very well produced 10 minute video, Self-realized Spiritual Master Adyashanti shares his story of enlightenment. Let’s get started…
In this very short four minute video clip from Deepak Chopra, he answers a question about the essential nature of existence.
In this wisdom filled 8 minute video, Nada explains that emotions are a natural part of this human experience. And in order to heal we have to allow ourselves to feel. Let’s listen to these words of wisdom…
In this revealing super short two and a half minute video, Ramesh Balsekar shares the Advaita way of looking at birth, rebirth and the ego. Let’s listen very carefully to the words of this wise man… Ramesh Balsekar is a direct desciple of the late Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. He also became one of Maharaj’s favorite live translators and did so for several years until Maharaj’s death and went on to write several books containing Maharaj’s teachings and discourses.
This beautifully produced seven minute video combines the wisdom of Mooji and Neale Donald Walsch on the subjects of Grace and Perfection. Sit back, relax and soak it all in.
In this 14 minute audio from Alan Watts, he shares with us how our reality is guided by an intelligence that is built in to everything that appears here in the world of form. Let’s listen carefully for the message behind the words…
This 7 minute audio is Part 2 of a 2 part series from Adyashanti that points us to a different way to think about meditation. His teachings are an open invitation to stop, inquire, and recognize what is true and liberating at the core of all existence.
In this amazing 11 minute video, Eckhart Tolle, author of THE POWER OF NOW, offers insight into dealing with the death of a loved one. Let’s listen carefully…
In this six minute video, Ramesh takes on the two most popular questions of the spiritual seeker… “What is Enlightenment?” and “How will Enlightenment change my life?” Ramesh Balsekar is a direct desciple of the late Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. He also became one of Maharaj’s favorite live translators and did so for several years until Maharaj’s death and went on to write several books containing Maharaj’s teachings and discourses.
In this quick five minute video, Jeff Foster reminds us that much of the pain we go through is caused by abandoning ourselves in the greatest time of need, or as he calls it, “The Land of Powerlessness”. Let’s listen to this empowering little reminder…
Did you know that your Awakening may have already taken place?! The fact is that there are countless beings out there that have actually realized their true nature, but because the mind (ego) seems to return now and then, they are still waiting for an awakening to happen. The FACT is that Awakening is only a stage in our spiritual evolution and that once Awakening has taken place, integration of our new understanding in our daily lives is something that must include vigilance until our body’s dying breath. Let’s listen to what Mooji and Rupert Spira have to say…
This is a beautiful nine minute video containing photographs, music and wonderful quotes taken from Ramana Maharshi, one of India’s most powerful Jnani and Non-Dual Master. Please sit back, relax and enjoy his presence and wisdom…
In this great little five minute video, we find a compilation of quotes from actor Jim Carrey expressing the “Truth” about the nature of our reality as it has been told to us for thousands of years. Even though Jim is not known as a spiritual teacher, it is refreshing to hear someone “outside” the usual spiritual circles share these eternal truths. Let’s listen in…
Anxiety can sometimes be overwhelming and debilitating, or at the very least, unsettling. In this 13 minute video Nada shares a simple method for dealing with anxiety when it arises. Very great practical advice, let’s listen…
In this extremely well produced five minute video, we are presented with words from Jim Carrey and Alan Watts explaining that the “person” we have always believed ourselves to be is only a composite character put together by our mind through years of conditioning. Please enjoy…