In this lovely twelve minute video, Gangaji replies to a questioner who says, “I just want the awfulness of the world to go away”. Gangaji explores the tricks of our minds to deny or escape from what we don’t like or want to avoid and offers a better way of dealing with this common issue…
This very interesting nine minute video from Gangaji focuses primarily on recognizing the patterns of suffering in relationships, but it also applies to any area of our life where our suffering is based on patterns established in our conditioning. Let’s listen to the importance of this recognition…
In this interesting 10 minute video, Alan explains that often people experience sudden enlightenment (Satori) when placed under extreme circumstances and the one thing they all have in common just prior to the “happening” is complete surrender. He goes on to explain how surrender can even overcome the fear of death. Let’s listen…
In this 3 minute video, Gangaji explains that thoughts like not pretty enough, not smart enough, not rich enough, not interesting enough, not green enough, not enlightened enough are an indication that identification with the mind/body is taking place.
In this 4 minute quickie, Alan Watts takes us on an adventure into our imagination where we can dream our life into being, only to realize that this may be the same exact process our current (dream) life is experiencing. Let’s sit back and listen…
Most of us experience psychologically induced fears to some extent or another.  In this video, Adyashanti offers a great and simple tool we can use to disarm psychologically induced fear or at least help you avoid a full on “attack”.  Let’s listen to this brilliant advice…
Here is ANOTHER AMAZING little video from Gautam Sachdeva.  We often hear in Advaita (non-dual) teachings that we must surrender to God’s will and many can accept that except when it comes to horrible things like rape, murder, and sick children.  How can these things be God’s will?  Let’s listen…
In this very short 4 minute video, a passage is read from “I Am That!” by Vasundhara.  This particular passage is focused on the nature of the mind and its tendencies and how to transcend the mind by finding your one and only real self. Let’s listen…
In this awesome 3 minute video, Gautam Sachdeva explains that a great sign that we are beginning to Awaken is the reduction of the words would, could and should from our daily vocabulary.  Let’ listen as he explains…
Here’s a great little five minute video featuring David Godman who shares some personal experiences with Nisargadatta Maharaj, which includes the backbone of Nisargadatta Maharaj’s teachings. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj was an Indian spiritual teacher and philosopher of Advaita (Nondualism), and a Guru, belonging to the Navnath Sampradaya. Sri Nisargadatta, with his direct and minimalistic explanation of non-dualism, is considered the most famous teacher of Advaita since Ramana Maharshi.
In this awesome guided meditation, Rupert Spira reminds us that non-duality addresses two essential questions, ‘How may we find lasting peace and happiness?’ and ‘What is the nature of reality?’. We find that the answers to both questions are the same: self-knowledge. In this contemplation, we uncover the nature of this naked, uncoloured self to find both the means of lasting peace, of happiness, and an understanding of the nature of reality.
In this great little 5 minute video, Jac O’Keeffe explains that living through a pandemic this day and age gives us an amazing opportunity to come together and work together towards the same goal and also gives us a wonderful opportunity to remain in presence much more of the time.  Let’s listen…
Anxiety can sometimes be overwhelming and debilitating, or at the very least, unsettling. In this 13 minute video Nada shares a simple method for dealing with anxiety when it arises. Very great practical advice, let’s listen…
In this important 13 minute video, a man who is flooded with peace since the recognition of his true nature asks about the process of integration over time. Rupert explains…
This 17 minute conversation dives into the emotions we encounter and the mental constructs we run into when we start to really let go of control. With humor and delight, Gangaji guides the conversation under all judgments or attempts to control thought patterns or circumstances, into a free fall into the unknown. Lets’ get started…
A man who is terminally ill and has sought treatment to no avail, asks if his interest in self-enquiry is for the body, and if the body is mind, is illness a neurosis. Rupert suggests that his interest in self-enquiry is to find happiness, to return to his true nature, otherwise known as ‘die before you die.’
In this short 3 minute video, Lisa Cairns talks to us about the fact that there is NO center, nothing is perceiving, and everything is experiencing itself. Let’s listen…
In this super interesting 8 minute video from Rupert Spira, a man asks if awareness needs human beings to know itself.
In this super interesting video, Rupert helps us realize that Awareness is not located in the body alone.
In this beautiful short video, Maurizio asks some very interesting questions about the self from a scientific standpoint. Even science is coming to the conclusion that our beliefs in a separate self may be just an illusion.
In this short 7 minute video clip, Rupert explains that the states of deep sleep, dreaming and awakened are all modulations of the mind within an ever present “Awareness” which is always 100% present in all states.
In this short 5 minute video from Adyashanti, you will hear a message that is the opposite of what most are told about following a path to find the “Self”.   He explains that over 99% of what people do to wake up is actually reinforcing the dream state.  Short video featuring an incredible message.
In this 10 minute video clip from Rupert Spira, he again tries to drive home the point that what you are can not be affected in any way by anything at any time.  There is nothing to do, nothing to change, nothing to transcend, it is already so.
Tony Parsons gives talks and facilitates investigation and discussion on the nature of Advaita Vedanta and non-dualism. He works both in the UK and internationally and his books are published in many countries. The fundamental principle of his work is to define the non-dual and impersonal nature of reality and to expose the dichotomy of the dualistic belief in a progressive path leading to spiritual attainment.
This short 4 minute video from Jeff Foster is a beautiful reminder that we are not our thoughts about ourselves and that we are like a mirror which only reflects the beauty and perfection which is always emanating out of “Source”.
In this nine minute clip from an interview with Hillary Larson and Gangaji, we explore people’s obsessions with money or lack thereof and its connection with our fear of death. Very interesting.
This is a lovely and short 12 minute guided meditation from Rupert to help us explore sensations and perceptions. Just sit back, relax and enjoy!  
This short two minute audio from Alan explains that for most of us our reality seems to be made up of sense perceptions, thoughts and emotions.  These three “things” seem to be all that one can say about our experience, until we ask the question, “who or what recognizes these sense perceptions, thoughts and emotions?”  Let’s listen to these insightful words from Alan…