In this six minute video, Neal explores the moral question “Do I have the right to be happy if it will make someone else unhappy?” Let’s listen in on what Neal has to say…
In this 5 minute video from Adyashati, he explains that insightful intelligence is not from the thinking mind. The mind only has the ability to review concepts from the past and make projections of possible scenarios for the future, but true “Ah Ha” insightful ideas, thoughts or concepts come from the one intelligence that makes the entire universe possible. See how Adyashanti explains it…
In this very clear little 9 minute video, Roger explains the factors involved in why humans act and do as they do at any given moment, how these factors nullify the idea of a “doer” and how it all comes together as the playing out of destiny.
In this extremely interesting five minute video from Deepak Chopra, he responds to the question, “Can the study of consciousness be the interface between science and spirituality?” Deepak explains that modern science is based on false beliefs (by the scientists) which render the current theories and assumptions ultimately invalid in explaining the true nature of the universe. Let’s listen in on his logical explanation…
In this short 4 minute clip taken from an interview with Deepak Chopra, he explains why it it is not possible for current scientific models to ever try to explain non-duality and that a new science will have to be developed in order to make any attempt at understanding true reality.
In this twelve minute video, Rupert takes us through a close examination of fear and helps us to instantly overcome the suffering of fear. Let’s listen a Rupert helps us transcend this pesky emotion…
In this super short three minute video, Deepak Chopra responds to the question, “What is the biological basis for consciousness?” This question is very similar to the question about the chicken and the egg, which came first?
In this awesome ten minute video clip, Rupert explains the reality of good, bad and free will within the non-dual world of awareness. He explains how these concepts can still be valid within our essential true nature of freedom. Let’s listen to this five star video…
In this eight minute video, Adyashanti talks about authentic transcendence and the illusion of transcendence being two different things and the desire to stay in this new state is a sure sign that a full transcendence (Awakening) has not taken place and that the “me” is still in charge.
This 4 minute video shows us a little history about Gangaji, how she became a disciple of Papaji and eventually became a spiritual guide herself. Lets’ listen in to her story…
In this informative 4 minute video, Alan helps us discover the Taoist Principle of Action in Non-Action called Wu Wei and how we can use this principle to enjoy a better flow through life. Let’s listen…
In this lovely 10 minute audio, Adyashanti explains that true freedom exists when you are able to consider infinite viewpoints, but not be stuck in any of them. By not being beholden to one singular perspective, you allow yourself to attune to each moment anew and see what the moment naturally calls forth in you. Let’ listen…
In this very inspiring 11 minute video, Gautam Sachdeva discusses a point brought up by Eckhart Tolle which demonstrates how all human conflicts are caused because of a basic misunderstanding of reality. Let’s listen to this important message…
In this great little 8 minute video, a questioner has questions about the integration of non-dual understanding into everyday life. Rupert explains that once one has come to the realization of the self through the inward journey, and is fully grounded as the Self, one can not help but implement our new understanding back into the world of objects (form).
In this lovely 14 minute video, Gangaji explains how our minds are designed to recognize what is “wrong” and needs fixing. This aspect of our ego serves our survival as human animals. There is nothing wrong with this aspect of our ego, but if we only look for what is wrong and neglect to honor what is already whole and free, then we suffer unnecessarily. Wherever you find yourself, you can take this moment to shift your attention to what is right: the wonder of existence itself. Let’s listen…
Amidst the current coronavirus outbreak, Rupert gives advice regarding how people can find inner peace and happiness during this time of uncertainty, as well as still being able to remain part of a community.
In this fantastic 8 minute video, Rupert Spira speaks about trauma and the ongoing process of realignment of the mind after the recognition of our true nature. Let’s not wait another minute…
As the new year approaches, we can to shift our focus from what we think we need to fix, and give our full attention to what is already whole and perfect. In this 13 minute podcast, Gangaji speaks of the catalyst for a deeper awakening—the willingness to “unlearn” and open to what is fresh, alive, and who you are. Not a concept or memory of who you are, but as a true, living freshness.
In this revealing 10 minute video, Rupert speaks about the impact of the recognition of our true nature on conditioning and the different ways awakening may be expressed in the world. Let’s get started…
In this short 7 minute extract, Papaji replies a question about effort and non effort in self inquiry: “You are advised simply to keep quiet and during this quietness perhaps it will reveal itself to you through its own grace. Submit. Keep quiet. Don’t move your mind for one second, one thought. Now is the time, today is the time, this moment is the best moment. Make the best of this moment.”
The biggest question that we grapple with is: what is my purpose in life? How can I change the world? In this wonderful 4 minute video, Neale Donald Walsch shares the 3 three biggest life lessons that completely changed his life and helped him clarify his life purpose. He gives actionable insights that you can put to use right now to find your purpose.
In this 5 minute video Alan shows us how everything in nature is happening spontaneously and that we as humans are forcing ourselves to live for the future causing all kinds of problems for ourselves.
Most of us are programmed to believe that “Life” is benevolent in nature. In this super short three minute video, Adyashanti reminds us that life (the universe, God) is everything and that it includes the “good” and what appears to be the “bad”as well.
In this short 5 minute video, Adyashanti explains what Christ meant when using the words “I am”. Most of the world has mistakenly taken “I am” to mean Christ personally, when what was meant to be conveyed was entirely different. Listen to what Adyashanti has to say…
In this short 4 minute video, Adyashanti explains that because of the distinct possibility of taking spiritual teachings as containing the reality of “Truth” itself, it is better to look at spiritual teachings as strategies for awakening.
In this 11 minute video from Roger Castillo (a student of Ramesh Balsekar), he explains that one must dig deep and make sure one does not have ANY image, projection or expectations of what “Enlightenment” or “Awakening” is suppose to be. He explains that often these can be hidden and will result in delay of actualization or even inability to recognize that “it” has already happened. And finally, he helps us understand that the tiniest bit of suffering is a sure sign that a false expectation may be lurking in the shadows of the mind.
In this ten minute audio from Alan, he dives head on into our mistaken relationship with the world which leads to changing our understanding of rules of the universe, which ultimately leads to a complete misunderstanding of our place in the universe.
In this very short three minute video, Adyashanti explains that by letting go into a state of allowance, and dropping the desire to relate to things in a purely intellectual way, spiritual revelation can anchor in your being. Let’s listen…