This is a fantastic eleven minute guided meditation using the words and teachings of Jnani and Non-Dual Master Nisargadatta Maharaj featuring outstanding quotes from the book, “I Am That”. Let’s clear all distractions and enjoy…
In this lovely little six minute video, Gangaji talks to us about the importance of not closing ourselves off after heartbreak and realize the love that we ARE so we can continue to love beyond any heartbreak. Let’s listen…
This beautifully produced 80 minute DOCUMENTARY of the life and times of Sri Ramana Maharshi is called, “Jnani: The Silent Sage of Arunachala” and produced by CINEFX PRODUCTIONS. This film is highly recommended for anyone interested in Ramana as well as any direct students of Ramana such as Papaji, (Mooji from Papaji), or others interested in Advaita Vedanta.
In this interesting ten minute video, Adyashanti explores the impact of awakening as an individual as it relates to the consciousness of the whole. When someone is deeply awake, their consciousness is being utilized by something greater than their egocentric makeup, which contributes to the state of our consciousness as a whole.
This mini eight minute documentary includes interviews with Papaji along with rare footage of Sri Ramana Maharshi. Papaji is a direct follower of Ramana Maharshi and is also the Guru of Mooji and Gangaji. In this video clip we get to know Papaji and his journey just a little bit more. Let’s listen…
In this truth filled 12 minute video, Rupert explains that very often, the advice to “abide as the self” is not enough for most people and that some investigation of experience is necessary. Let’s listen to his wise advice…
In this great little 8 minute video, Rupert replies to a thirteen year old boy who wants to know, “If awareness is the fabric of all things like humans and chairs, does that make awareness alive or dead?”. Rupert explains that questions like these come for those who still see the world as an observer of the interactions between dead objects, when in reality consciousness (awareness) and existence (everything that exists) can ONLY arise together. Let’s listen…
In this lovely little 8 minute video clip, Rupert explains why we are so affected by beauty, whether it is through nature, art, dance, or anything else.  He explains that beauty is actually the recognition of our shared interconnection, let’s listen…
In this eye opening 10 minute audio, Alan Watts dives in to the common belief that all we have to do to change our lives is change our thoughts and beliefs (our mind).  At first this may seem very valid and logical but by taking a closer look we come to realize that the task at hand may be altogether impossible. Let’s listen carefully…
In this very interesting little audio clip from Alan Watts, we find him talking about several topics converging on the principle of surrender and trust. Interestingly, he also discuses why “Realized” beings still have a strong personality… let’s listen.
In this enlightening short video,  Nada tackles the questions, “What is fear? How does it arise? And can we be free of it?”  Let’s sit back, relax and enjoy…
In this enlightening video clip, a questioner wants to know if the ego is necessarily problematic.  Rupert explains that the ego as an activity is NOT problematic, but that ego as an identity is VERY problematic.  Lets listen carefully as Rupert dives into the nature of the ego…
In this little 6 minute video, Roger shares with us his discovery of Ramesh Balsekar.  He explains that he wanted to attend Satsang with Nisargadatta Maharaj but the only one he could book was Nisargadatta’s number one translator, Ramesh Balsekar.  He explains that at first impression he was taken aback by what Ramesh had to say but soon realized he was to be his Guru. Let’s listen as he describes Ramesh central teaching…
In this revealing 9 minute video,  Rupert speaks about the subject–object relationship and consciousness’s ability to know itself by itself alone.
In this fantastic 30 minute meditation we begin by contemplating ‘I’, the name anything that knows itself gives to itself. We recognize that the awareness of our self is simply awareness’s knowledge of itself and ask, ‘Do I, awareness, find any limit in myself?’ We discover that the world appears within and is made of our self, infinite and eternal awareness.
In this super pertinent 5 minute video, a man says he is touched by the scripture ‘unless you become like a child’, in light of the experience of his essential being, and feels like the Biblical ‘heaven’ must refer to consciousness. Rupert talks about the allegory of returning to the Garden of Eden.
In this short 5 minute video, Rupert explains that after awakening, desires do not necessarily just disappear but that the reason for the desires changes completely. See how he explains it…
In this short seven minute video, Rupert explains how desire and fulfillment of desires work. He also explains a common misconception regarding the popular notion of manifesting desires.
In this 8 minute video, Jeff expresses that who you really are is already so and that EVERYTHING is already so.  Therefore any conflict or  suffering that arises is simply a rejection on behalf of a non existing separate self not willing to accept what is already so.  “Awakening” is really only a deep acceptance of life as what you are already.  See how Jeff describes it…
In this seven minute video from Jac O’Keeffe, she explains the pealing back of the layers of perception in order to let Freedom (Self, Absolute) flow freely without getting hijacked by the limitations of the mind or play of consciousness.
In this wonderful eight minute video from Rupert being translated live in Spanish, he responds to this most common question that can also be expressed as “How does the veiling of Awareness happen?”.  Rupert uses his common TV screen analogy to brilliantly explain the answer.
In this short 5 minute clip in which Rupert is being interviewed by Amy Torres and Bill Free, he explains the absolute best source to consider when trying to make life decisions. This particular clip deals with decisions about relationships but the advice is universal.
In this 10 minute video from Roger Castillo (a student of Ramesh Balsekar), he explains the basics of non-dual teachings.  His explanation is quite simple and easy to understand, even for those who have never been exposed to non-dual teachings, and provides the basic building blocks at the heart of non-dual teachings and how these teachings can help us achieve peace of mind.
In this short 7 minute video, Adyashanti explains the importance of living through the heart, where we can experience happiness, intuition and a connection to others.  Let’s listen in…
In this ten minute video from Jac O’Keeffe, she explains that to the mind (ego, person) it appears that there are two worlds when in reality there is only one. Because its existence is dependent on a dualistic view created by the world of form, it simply can not accept its existence as being imagined. Let’s listen to this very interesting explanation…
In this great ten minute video clip, Rupert explains that after the realization takes place that our true nature is unlimited, infinite Awareness, our old ways of thinking still can pop up as habits from our old, limited sense of identity and must be recognized and transcended.
This six minute video from a lovely being named Nada speaks to the very common human condition of feeling a bit impatient or restless with our spiritual “progress”. Nada explains why it is important to be patient with the spiritual process and be patient with ourselves in transcending past conditioning that has often been around since before we can remember. Click here for more Nada videos.
Here is a wonderful 10 minute guided meditation. Start your morning full of Positive Energy with this beautiful Guided Meditation with a focus on Gratitude. Lets just sit back, relax and enjoy!